About Us
From my earliest childhood I remember dressing for easter in my prettiest dress and matching hat. I loved wearing a hat. I knew it was a special day when I wore a hat. After many years as a nurse I knew I would never stop wanting to make people feel better. When I became a milliner I saw how much a hat could affect how a person feels. The right hat makes you feel better. There is something magical the way a hat transforms a person. The way it makes them feel special.
With years of training with some of the best milliners in North America, Europe and Australia I mastered the skills necessary to make couture millinery. Each hat is shaped by hand over wooden blocks. Flowers are hand made from silk or leather using Japanese flower tools. I import rich laces, feathers and fabrics from around the world. I do all this to make the hat wearer look and feel beautiful.
The picture above shows how hats are made in my studio outside Nashville, tn.